Теперь поговорим о том, как создать в crunchbang аналог эффекта из MacOS - Expo (это когда по хоткею на рабочем столе отображаются миниатюры всех открытых окон с возможностью переключаться между ними).
Я все настроил по этой инструкции. Переводить нет времени, все и так достаточно понятно
1. Download skippy from:
This HOWTO was written for skippy version 0.5.0, hopefully it will work for future versions too.
2. Untar the skippy source code into a directory:
$ tar -xjf skippy-0.5.0.tar.bz2
3. Switch to the untarred directory
$ cd skippy-0.5.0.tar.bz2
4. Install imlib2-dev, libxft-dev and libxmu-dev, since skippy needs them to compile:
$ sudo apt-get install libimlib2-dev libxmu-dev libxft-dev
5. Edit the Makefile so that it won't try to bind to Xinerama.
$ nano Makefile
You want to insert a # at the beginning of lines 10 and 11, so that they look like this:
#LDFLAGS += -lXext -lXinerama
6. Compile the software:
$ make
7. Install the executable:
$ sudo make install
8. Copy the default config file to your home directory:
$ cp skippyrc-default ~/.skippyrc
9. Edit the default config file so that it uses Scroll Lock instead of F11 as the hotkey. I recommend this, because many Ubuntu applications use F11 (for instance, OpenOffice Writer uses F11 to display the Stylist, which is a very useful feature). On the other hand, I don't think the Scroll Lock EVER had a use. :)
$ nano ~/.skippyrc
Change line 24 to read:
10. Launch skippy:
$ skippy
11. Press Scroll Lock to see scaled-down versions of all of your windows. Some people have complained about skippy's performance, but it works very quickly on my ancient laptop.
Читать далее
Я все настроил по этой инструкции. Переводить нет времени, все и так достаточно понятно
1. Download skippy from:
This HOWTO was written for skippy version 0.5.0, hopefully it will work for future versions too.
2. Untar the skippy source code into a directory:
$ tar -xjf skippy-0.5.0.tar.bz2
3. Switch to the untarred directory
$ cd skippy-0.5.0.tar.bz2
4. Install imlib2-dev, libxft-dev and libxmu-dev, since skippy needs them to compile:
$ sudo apt-get install libimlib2-dev libxmu-dev libxft-dev
5. Edit the Makefile so that it won't try to bind to Xinerama.
$ nano Makefile
You want to insert a # at the beginning of lines 10 and 11, so that they look like this:
#LDFLAGS += -lXext -lXinerama
6. Compile the software:
$ make
7. Install the executable:
$ sudo make install
8. Copy the default config file to your home directory:
$ cp skippyrc-default ~/.skippyrc
9. Edit the default config file so that it uses Scroll Lock instead of F11 as the hotkey. I recommend this, because many Ubuntu applications use F11 (for instance, OpenOffice Writer uses F11 to display the Stylist, which is a very useful feature). On the other hand, I don't think the Scroll Lock EVER had a use. :)
$ nano ~/.skippyrc
Change line 24 to read:
10. Launch skippy:
$ skippy
11. Press Scroll Lock to see scaled-down versions of all of your windows. Some people have complained about skippy's performance, but it works very quickly on my ancient laptop.